TRG Transport Applications
Transport-related applications built using the R Shiny framework
Created and maintained by Marcus Young, University of Southampton Transportation Research Group

GB Traffic Data Explorer
Visually explore DfT traffic statistics for the whole of GB from 2000-2023, including countpoints, area summaries, and major road links.
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SFTZ Traffic Data Explorer
Explore a variety of traffic data (e.g. DfT traffic counts) for the Solent Future Transport Zone and wider region (logon required).
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Station Demand Forecasting Tool (SDFT)
Submit jobs to the SDFT. The SDFT generates rail demand forecasts for local railway stations (logon required).
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Railway Station Choice Predictor
Predict station choice for any postcode in GB and view probability-based station catchments.
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Beat the Trend - The Domino Bus Group
A bus company simulation game that can be used to teach students about elasticities.
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